Thursday, March 10, 2016

Strengths and Weaknesses

What is it really that makes up strengths and weaknesses of people?

It is not always easy to pinpoint your strength and weakness. You're going to need a lot of input from the people you interact with. However, it is more often than not that people will tell you what you want to hear instead of the truth. That's because the truth always hurts people and majority of people don't want to hurt others.

Having said that, will it then be okay to define by yourself what your positives and negatives are?

In an interview for example, when an interviewer asks you about your strengths and weaknesses, will you tell them yours based on your job or based on your character? I believe that when a friend asks you know exactly how to respond, but when your career depends on it becomes a difficult question to answer.

I do believe though that in any circumstances, when strengths and weaknesses are asked, they generally would want to hear your character. It is the character of an individual that defines a person anyway.

For me, here I think are my strengths;
- I'm good at people management and relationship building. I also believe that this is my strongest asset.
- I'm good a leading and mentoring people, be it within my family or at work
- Good at planning and organising
- Great at working with others, collaborating is just more fun and makes difficult issues easy to deal with
- A problem solver and a decision maker

I believe that these are weaknesses;
- I can get out of focus at times
- I trust people very easily and this can lead to different results
- And because I trust people very easily, that makes me a reactive person at certain times.

These are mostly the feedback I get from my friends, colleagues and mentors. I do hope however,  that they are mostly the truth.

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